Yes! So the other night I had my two nieces over and I painted their nails and did thier hair while clint and his brother tracy went scouting for some deer...well the next morning chloe got one of the bottles of nail polish to me and she sat there and let me paint her toes! It was so cute! She is such a girly girl at only 14 months...I'm a little scared let's me honest!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Baby toes
Posted by Heather at 2:13 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
So if anybody happens to any one in the valley that has a preschool going on Cole is in need of some thing more than me, he gets bored and I honestly don't know what else to sorry that all I've done is ask for help on here I'm bad.
Posted by Heather at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I need some input....
So I've been really loving reading lately but I've been having a hard time finding good books/authors. If you have any suggestions, please let me know....I would sure love it!
Posted by Heather at 5:20 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Grandma's 80th birthday party!
K so there were way too many pictures to do them seperately so I did a slide. I had soooo much fun this weekend! All the family came(well most) and I love my family! From the craziness to the sane it was a blast all of it!
Posted by Heather at 11:22 AM 4 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Twilight books...beware!
OH my goodness! If you haven't started these books beware because once you start you cannot put them down! It's like book cocaine or something! I started them last sunday and finished them all in a week! Ya my family had no mother of wife for a whole I did stop to feed them ;)! But these are awesome and I don't want to say anything about them cuz it will give stuff away but all I can say is WOW!
Posted by Heather at 9:48 PM 6 comments
Branding and bloody noses, good fun!

Posted by Heather at 9:24 AM 4 comments