Okay I know this looks terrible but let me tell you about this day....I wake up and get dressing in some scrubby clothes and Cole comes in to tell me he pee'd on my couch! Ugh so I go to clean that then I get them all breakfast and get Chloe down for you morning nap, turn on some cartoons for Cole and go hop in the shower....I get out and Cole comes in and first I'm horrified because Cole is going through this he can't see ANYTHING naked because he is kinda...I guess you could say perverted! But then I notice his bloody nose and he tells me his got blood on the couch, my poooorrr couches! Thank goodness for microfiber because it all came out! Yes!
This was just a day at the Layton's, we were branding Rusty's cows...I was the picture taker!
Cole found a new friend and told me he was roping it like the guys were roping the cows...
The old me looking at a good days work, so cute.
Is this Austin Powers....?
My cheese ball son.
Nap time, got two down and Chloe to go.
Oh my cuteness these two were just sitting there talking, this one will definately be black and white when it's printed.
Watching the guys take down the cows, he concentrating real hard cuz it will be him one day branding so he has to learn it all.

aThose are such cute pictures!
Roping the cat, huh? That's hilarious! Your kids are beautiful Heather! I love these pictures...well, aside from the semi-gorey one with the blood ;) But his eyes are still so pretty in that one!
Cole is such a handsome little boy! I love his little cowboy clothes and that picture of him with the little girl is priceless!! Chloe is adorable too of course! Way to go on getting all that off of your couch:)
Hey Heather!! I didn't know you had a blog until I just now came across it. Crazy! Its funny, because my husband and I watch the d-backs all the time and he always says.. hey your cousins up to bat! (Mark Reynolds) ha ha! :0) Anyway.. its good seeing you here! your kids are so cute!!
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