Sunday, August 10, 2008

Twilight books...beware!

OH my goodness! If you haven't started these books beware because once you start you cannot put them down! It's like book cocaine or something! I started them last sunday and finished them all in a week! Ya my family had no mother of wife for a whole I did stop to feed them ;)! But these are awesome and I don't want to say anything about them cuz it will give stuff away but all I can say is WOW!


Ali said...

You've already read the FOURTH? Even if just all three in a week... Wow. I liked them a lot too...but I am not as much of a reader as most and not as obsessed as some. They are a really good series though. I just bought the fourth one at Costco yesterday and am looking forward to reading it once we are more moved in ;) They do have a way with SUCKING you in completely though, don't they?

Nicole McBride Cheney said...

I have never read any of the books, but so many people have been commenting on how good they are I think I might just have to pick it up and read it!

Marisa and Rob said...

Hey I loved that book. I'm on book 4 and I'm loving it!!! At first I started reading it and I thought boring, then I tried it again and I love it.

Kaela said...

A lot of people were disappointed in the fourth, but I really liked it. We'll have to chat in Safford this week:) Can't wait to see you!

Haymore Family said...

that is so funny! i wanted to reread the last two before i read the fourth so i did the same thing in a week! so funny! and your kids are so cute! how fun to have cows and all that good farm stuff! i wish we were close to things like that for bryson! you guys look happy! maybe we will get to see ya soon!

mandee said...

Hey Heather,

Your family is so dang cute!! I read all 4 of them in a week too my husband was so happy when i finished it so he didnt have to do all the mom stuff cause i could not stop reading i loved them!! I heard there was a movie do you know if there is or not?? Anyways i hope you are doing good! If you ever get bored we should take our kiddos to the park or somthing talk to you later!!
