Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Something I learned

So for those of you that already know how to grow gardens, don't read this cuz you already know I'm sure, but...squash, watermelon, and cantelope grow so amazingly well and fast, just wait to plant them outside. They will overtake your kitchen and they just look like weeds right now and my grandma said to just through them out but they are just baby plants...I don't think I could, stupid I know. But I am excited to have some good old fried okra, I hope that one will grow a little faster so I can reap the harvest! And there is nothing better than a ripe, warm watermelon right off the vine! MMMM, maybe I should have waited to plant!


Sherral said...

That's so funny!I'm envisioning your house being over-run with vines!

Brooke and Justin said...

Look at you, miss homemaker. Your are so good for starting your own garden. I need to be more like that.