Thursday, August 27, 2009


Monday I had a doc. appt. and he checked me and I was at a 5 and the baby was floating...which means if my water broke and the cord got in front of the baby, not good. So he told me to arrange things and go over to the hospital and get my water broke! I was seriously hoping he'd say that! Cuz I wasn't supposed to be induced till tomorow! anywho...he broke my water around 1:30, we walked around to get things goin better, started pushin at 6 and he was here at 6:20! It was amazing compared to the other two! Here's a few pix from the hospital....Oh ya the stats...he weighed 7lbs 14 oz and was 19 3/4 in long! good thing i had him 2 weeks early!


Ali said...

Oh, your sweet family of five is just adorable. Congratulations! ...and wow, that IS fast! Good job!

The Walter's Family said...

Congratualtions he is adorable. Sounds like a real easy delivery. Very awesome!!

Brittnie Roit said...

Oh congrats on your new little one. Your older son looks thrilled! haha!!!!

Kaela said...

CONGRATS!!!! I am so glad everything went so well and am so excited for you and your NEW family of FIVE!! You look too good to have just delivered by the way!