Thursday, June 11, 2009

12 more weeks? Seriously?

I can't believe I have 12 more weeks...I'm going to die, I was never sore with cole or chloe...and this one I feel like I work out all the time, only catch is I don't...obviously as you can tell by the hot bod!


Ali said...

For only having 12 more weeks, you are still SO tiny?! It has gone by fast...crazy!

Kaela said...

Seriously, you are SO tiny! I feel (and look) huge compared to you and I'm not even as far along. I can relate on feeling sore though. I get sore so easily this time around and feel like SUCH a wimp. Oh well, at least it is motivating me a little to exercise better after this one. Paul's cousin is due at the same time as me and just ran her second triathlon this month!!! I think I would die if I attempted something like that:)

Jill Rogers said...

YOU'RE TEENY!! Holy cow- Only in my DREAMS!

Melissa said...

haha! ya you're such a chunker heather...;) whatever, i look more pregnant than you. haha! seriously though.

Nicole McBride Cheney said...

You are still so small, only 12 more weeks, I'm so excited for you!