Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chloe's 2! Yesterday....

I still can't believe that it was two years ago that this little girl came into our lives. Yes, she took her time with everything, she didn't crawl till she was a year, and she didn't walk until 17months. She's still working on talking...but as long as she can say yuv you when she goes down for a nap then that fine with me. This crazy little girl can make me either super happy or super impatient in the matter of 5 minutes. She is either really sharing and caring or...not at all, in the least, and anybody that has met her knows this. It is her way or the highway and it has to be her idea. Don't get me wrong, this little girl has me wrapped around her finger but I sure hope her stubborn determined little self goes in the right path as she gets older or watch out! I will do a post of the party later cuz we aren't having it until saturday.....