Chloe finally started standing....yes she is 15 months but that's ok good things come to those who wait! Cole loves loves loves to help it's just hard finding things for him to do so here he is cleaning the windows...yes in his undies, that's how we roll!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Heather at 3:39 PM 4 comments
Ok...I made this for halloween cuz Chloe is gonna be a lady bug and she will have a long sleeve onsie and tights but....geez I love the no clothes!
Posted by Heather at 3:33 PM 7 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
tagged long ago....
K so a long time ago Melani tagged me and I procrastinated of course but here it is now, so prepare yourself.....the inside of my fridge, messy yes, but you can ask me where anything is and I can tell you, if it's all nice I can't seem to find anything!And then my lovely closet, ya not so nice but there are clothes and they are hung up, that's a plus right?
My bathroom, well it's the vanity and the bathrooms next but not too messy but not too clean, yes there are smudges on the mirror but when I get ready both the kids get up on the sink and love themselves all over the mirror....
This is where all the serious business happens....hahaha
The laundry room, lots of time spent here but hey I have clean clothes!
The kitchen sink, usually not this clean but I tell myself I have to clean while the kids are asleep first thing before I take my lazy time or it won't get done.
And then there's me, ya sorry but you have to do a self portrait. That's the end of the actual tag but I do want Melissa, Ali, Kaela, Shari, Tawna...and basically everyone to do it cuz I want to see all your houses! I went ahead and took pix of the rest of the house seeing that I never have, so here's that house....
Cole's room, and Cole asleep in his bed.
As I'm walking around taking pix of everything I go into Chloe's room to take pix when she's supposed to be sleeping and this lovely surprise is what I find, poop, lovely poop!
The kiddos bathroom....
Living room.....
Clint's pride and joy the t.v. No it is awesome I guess I will admit I like it too. And Cole's painting which is where a pix of the temple will be going.
John Wayne on our wall, lovely I know.
No the beds not made but this is our room, Still can't decide what to put on that blue wall....
Our dining room table.....
Kitchen with some beans going, I made green chile yesterday and ugh it was too hot for this little white girl so I'm makin beans to make it mixed.
Posted by Heather at 2:52 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Yes, this little man started preschool and it's great! Not that i'm not sad and all but it's amazing how much I can get done with him not there for a couple of hours....aaahhhh! And his second day of preschool, so sad, he bumped his head on the door knob on the way in and was soooo embarrased that he just kept crying and grabbing my leg finally the teacher said, "Ok mom..." and basically hinted at me leaving... So, whenever I don't hear Chloe for a while I expect something like this, she either gets the toilet paper or my box of tampons, lovely, all over the place. Now she is also standing up and will reach on top of the sink and get my make-up, brushes, flat iron, basically whatever she can reach, ugh she's my handful alright!
So the other morning I put Chloe in bed with me and Clint and turned for like 5 seconds and she superwoman dove right off the bed and landed right on her face, her nose swelled a little and today her scab is sooo much worse but it will heal...
Okay so you can barely see her favorite blanket under her but when I put her to bed I put it on top of her but when I go in there she has it all wadded up underneath her, that can't be comfortable but whatever works right?
Posted by Heather at 2:57 PM 4 comments
Cute poem....
Today I left some dishes dirty,
The bed got made around 3:30.
The diapers soaked a little longer,
The odor grew a little stronger.
The crumbs I spilled the day before
Are staring at me from the floor.
The fingerprints there on the wall
Will likely be there still next fall.
The dirty streaks on those windowpanes
Will still be there next time it rains.
Shame on you, you sit and say,
Just what did you do today?
I held a baby till he slept,
I held a toddler while he wept.
I played a game of hide and seek,
I squeezed a toy so it would squeak.
I pulled a wagon, sang a song,
Taught a child right from wrong.
What did I do this whole day through?
Not much that shows, I guess that's true.
Unless you think that what I've done,
Might be important to someone
With deep blue eyes and soft blonde hair,
If that is true...I've done my share.
Posted by Heather at 2:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
So here is my crazy friend that hijacked my camera and took shots of us... This is Cole and his cousin Rayley...they wanted to take a nap together and I honestly didn't think they could do it, I only had to tell them 3 times to be quiet and go to sleep! Awesome!
Crazy me decided to let my kids paint...all over themselves and the floor!
Concentrating soooo hard.
Off center I know but fighting to paint.
And again crazy me, more paint on the floor and Chloe then the pictures.
Posted by Heather at 3:40 PM 2 comments

My mother may kill me but she's been the one buggin me about this whole blog thing so here's one of my mom and Chloe.

Cole doing what he loves to do, play in the dirt.

Me and Clint, me and no make-up hot i know.

My princess and her leopard print it!

Cole was leading us on an excursion....

We only had one ipod so hence the sharing...

That is cozy...

Super excited about something!
The awesome log shot.
He's only smile if he was looking at grandma, hence the straying eyes.
Posted by Heather at 3:23 PM 1 comments