Monday, September 15, 2008

Yes, this little man started preschool and it's great! Not that i'm not sad and all but it's amazing how much I can get done with him not there for a couple of hours....aaahhhh! And his second day of preschool, so sad, he bumped his head on the door knob on the way in and was soooo embarrased that he just kept crying and grabbing my leg finally the teacher said, "Ok mom..." and basically hinted at me leaving... So, whenever I don't hear Chloe for a while I expect something like this, she either gets the toilet paper or my box of tampons, lovely, all over the place. Now she is also standing up and will reach on top of the sink and get my make-up, brushes, flat iron, basically whatever she can reach, ugh she's my handful alright!
So the other morning I put Chloe in bed with me and Clint and turned for like 5 seconds and she superwoman dove right off the bed and landed right on her face, her nose swelled a little and today her scab is sooo much worse but it will heal...
Okay so you can barely see her favorite blanket under her but when I put her to bed I put it on top of her but when I go in there she has it all wadded up underneath her, that can't be comfortable but whatever works right?


Kaela said...

Chloe looks so cute all snuggled up in her cute outfit on that blankie! Cole looks cute too:) In preschool, huh... that is pretty huge! Congrats!!!

Ali said...

So you and Chloe are going solo for a few hours while Cole is at preschool? Does she miss him at all, or love the one on one time? Cute pictures- sounds like she's a busy girl!

Melissa said...

aww...her poor nose! i can't believe cole is goin to school already. teesa just started this year too. so did you have fun cleaning up chloe's tp? haha! that's hilarious! how are things? i miss you!

Mary Ann said...

cute cute kids!! Yes i can get the temple pics. His website is Look at what you want and then let me know and i will get a price for you!