Friday, June 5, 2009


This is Cole's new best friend, he gets up at about 6:30 every morning wanting to go outside to play. This dog slept on Cole's lap the whole way home from benson. Then we take her on walks and Cole walks her the whole way, she doesn't even chase after birds...amazing, didn't whine or bark the whole first night, this is my kinda dog!


Ali said...

How adorable! It reminds me of my Dad's dog stories. You know the first time I ever saw my Dad get teary was when he was telling us the story of his childhood dog, Duke? A dog is truly a man's best friend. I love your mud pictures below.

Kaela said...

So cute! I think I want a dog someday, but just kinda want a guarantee that it will be a good dog:) Sounds like you lucked out!! Congrats!