so maybe I've been a little camera happy lately!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Baby Girl
I never had a clue how much you could care for you own's an undeniable love, unconditional and it will never end...Cole he was the first and will have the love of the first child but today is about Chloe. There is a different love between mother and daughter, not that I love Chloe more than Cole it's just different. There is a different bond there, I don't know what it is but Clint says the same about Cole. But here's to Chloe my little princess. She's got attitude enough for a teenager, she's a fighter, and stubborn as can be, but her loves will melt you heart, I just hope that I can be the mother that she needs.
Posted by Heather at 10:11 AM 3 comments
catch up!
So I'm going to start with last saturday when we opened Jodi's store... Well it's open and it's so much fun! I love to go down and work, it's good for the kids to be getting away from me and it's awesome for me to have a break! Then comes my birthday which was on Wednesday... My parents took us out on Tuesday to La Casita...mmmm and gave me a card and some moolah, then wednesday I went and opened up Jodi's store and there were flowers, a balloon tied to a butterfinger, and the denim dress from downeast that I love and the zebra wallet... then I left at 1 and went and got my hair done, it's pretty dark and I got some red in it and I love it! Then my BFF came and decorated my house(thanks Rachel). Then last night we went to The Branding Iron to eat. Becky(Clint's mom)gave me a gift card to jodi's store and Brandy made a cake...all in all I think it was a pretty awesome birthday!
Posted by Heather at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
8 tag
8 Favorite TV shows: (in no particular order)
1. Prison Break....mmm I LOVE Lincoln....yes the guy on death row, the inocent one....
2. Lost
3. Project Runway, I love to see the things they come up with
4. America's next top model, always wished I could model, not quite tall enough
5. Bachelor
6. American Idol
7. Bachlorette....
8. Tyra Banks, yes cheesy but I love a little drama in my life!
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Went to Sierra's shower
2. went to walmart to get something for sierra's baby
3. helped Jodi with her store
4. watched some prison break....Lincoln, sad I know
5. cleaned the kitchen
6. vacuum
7. bathed Chloe, she has like 10 baths a day, she's worse than Cole
8. went to bed.....
8 things to look forward to:
1. Christmas
2. Paying off debt, earning more money, saving more
3. Thanksgiving....FOOD!
4. Having more kids...someday, I stole a few from Kaela...
5. Building my future home
6. Buying a new wardrobe....someday
7. Getting an awesome dog when we build our house and have room for him to roam
8. Getting an awesome new suburban
8 Favorite restaurants:
1. The El charro in mesa on alma school, the best!
2. R&R's roasted sandwiches....mmmm
3. La Casita
4. Main street cafe, best sandwiches ever!
5. Applebee's oriental chicken salad!
6. Red Lobster's hawaiian plate, coconut shrimp and the almond salmon, scrumptious
7. tasty freeze best burgers ever!
8. Green chile chicken enchiladas from me! Yum!
8 Things on my wish list: (I know I squeezed more than eight in here, but I am categorizing:) )
1. um....bedroom set, not until after we build a house so it doesn't get all scratched moving it
3. suburban, a new one
4. our dream house
5. dog
6. lot's of mula
7. healthy kids, obedient healthy kids! is that too much to ask for?
8. energy!
8 people I tag:
1. marisa
2. melani
3. all of my cousins that haven't already done it
4. sherral
5. shari
6. my mind is blank so if you read it you do it! Got it?
Posted by Heather at 10:47 AM 4 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The other day Rusty gave this gun to Cole since he is the only grandson on that of the family. This 22 was Christopher Laytons sons gun so its Cole's 4th great grandpa's gun, it's about 100 years old and in amazing shape.
Posted by Heather at 9:24 AM 4 comments
Happy halloween!
When we went to my parents my dad came down the stairs in this mask... the kids were scared but Cole figured it out but Chloe was mortified, she didn't look at my dad the same for the rest of the night. She kept looking at my dad like this.
Then he went and got this and now Chloe was just wierded out.
Then we hurried and threw it on to get a pix.
Posted by Heather at 9:09 AM 4 comments