This is just a picture that I like of Chloe...she loves to sit in the chair in her room...

So Clint came home the other day and was all so Heather what's up with the eggs? Ha! So this is how you plant seeds, saw it in a magazine. Then when they are ready to transplant you don't have to shock them and pull them out you just crack the shell a little and the root will grow right through! By the way they are watermelon seeds, why cuz I love watermelon and I have great memories of when my grandpa had a HUGE garden and had tons of watermelon, so much that at the end of the summer all the cousins got to just go bust open the watermelons and eat their hearts out! Sound ruthless? well it was great!

Cole was in the backyard the other day and started banging on the door! So I run back there and...he caught his first bug! Ya I thought something was seriously wrong or something but no, just a bug!

Rain, rain...I love it! Love the season and so does Cole! We had a rainy construction zone going in the backyard!

Cool! Thanks for the idea on the eggshells...when I grow up, I want to be a gardner. I'll have to store that info away for when I grow up :) And by the way, breaking open the watermelons and eating them like savages when we were at Gma and Gpa's is one of my ALL-TIME favorite AZ memories. :) Loved it. Heavenly Times.
I too love the eggshell planters! Genius!! I'm with you and Ali on Grandpas watermelons. It doesn't get any better! Good luck with the garden:)
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